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Vacant Land in Princeville - Hanalei Kauai
Discover an incredible opportunity in Princeville to own this beautiful, rare gem of a lot located in one of Kauai’s most desirable resort communities. Nestled on a quiet street with minimal traffic, this peaceful setting is perfect for your primary residence, second home or an income-generating rental since it is located within the Visitor Destination Area (VDA). House plans also convey with a two-story design that will potentially capture breathtaking views of waterfalls, mountains, sunsets, and the iconic Bali Hai.
Princeville offers an unparalleled lifestyle with direct access to world-class amenities. Enjoy championship golf at the renowned Princeville Makai Golf Club, designed by Robert Trent Jones Jr., along with tennis, pickleball, a pool, and fitness facilities. Walk or bike to pristine beaches, top-tier dining, boutique shopping, and the upscale 1 Hotel Hanalei Bay. The charming towns of Hanalei and Kilauea, with their vibrant restaurants and outdoor adventures, are just minutes away. The community features parks, playgrounds, basketball courts, and shared-use paths, creating a welcoming, pet-friendly environment. Surf world-famous waves, hike lush trails, or simply relax and take in the island’s unmatched beauty. Whether you envision a dream home or a high-performing vacation rental, this property offers the ultimate North Shore Kauai lifestyle.
5125 Kapiolani Lp Princeville 96722 is listed Courtesy of Kauai Luxury Properties, Inc.
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