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Single Family Home
Princeville - Hanalei
Beautifully upgraded home in an exceptionally private and natural setting in Princeville. A truly one-of-a-kind lot in Princeville, with nothing but forest as the only neighbor on two sides, plus coveted views to the Hanalei Mountains and Hanalei Bay upstairs. Intelligent home siting and architecture create a very unique sense of privacy, further enhanced by more than 50 feet of window lining, bring the feel of the verdant surrounding forest inside. The upstairs primary suite offers spectacular views of the mountains and waterfalls, as well as partial views of the whitewater in Hanalei Bay. Other desirable elements of the home include new flooring throughout, brand newly renovated gourmet kitchen, and completely renovated ensuite bathrooms accompanying all three (3) bedrooms. Located in the Princeville VDA, this property presents a terrific opportunity for enjoyment as a primary residence and/or a vacation rental property.
Recent improvements include:
- Acacia wood flooring throughout
- Redesigned kitchen with all-new cabinets, counters (quartz), fixtures and appliances
- Redesigned bathrooms with all-new vanities, counters (quartz), showers and fixtures
- Air-conditioning throughout (split units)
- New washer & dryer
- New fans & light fixtures
- Select new doors and windows
- Re-stained natural woodwork
- New exterior hardscaping
- New exterior landscaping
Additionally, and as rare treat for Princeville homes, it is just a short, beautiful walk to the beach via public access way at the and of Hanalei Plantation Road.
Don't miss this truly unique and desirable housing opportunity in Princeville!
Video Tour: https://player.vimeo.com/video/1041564004
5140 Hanalei Plantation Rd Princeville 96722 is listed Courtesy of Compass
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