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Vacant Land in Queen Emma Bluffs - Hanalei Kauai
Build Your Dream Home on Queen Emma's Bluff in Princeville at 4005 Aloalii Dr.
Seize this rare opportunity to build your dream home on the prestigious Queen Emma's Bluff, located in the heart of Princeville. This exceptional lot offers breathtaking ocean and mountain views, perfectly positioned on the eighth fairway of the renovated world famous Prince Golf Course, standing 200 feet above Anini Beach.
Proximity to Amenities: A short stroll takes you to the vibrant Princeville Center, offering an array of restaurants, shops, a library, and easy access to the scenic Princeville path leading to 1 Hotel, Hideaways, and Pua beaches.
Exclusive Features
Gated Community: Experience privacy, tranquility, and a sense of arrival in this exclusive gated cul-de-sac subdivision.
Level and Spacious Lot: The lot is level and ready to build, featuring a rear width of approximately 74 feet, one of the largest rear dimensions on Aloalii Dr.
Optimal Positioning: Located on the more preferred side of Aloalii Dr., this lot benefits from the refreshing northeast trade winds and afternoon shade. Enjoy unobstructed views down the fairway to the white waters of world-famous Anini Beach.
Vacation Rental Potential: Vacation rentals with a minimum 30-day stay.
Architectural Plans Included: The seller offers detailed, well-engineered house plans by a highly respected local architect. These transferable plans, approved by the DRC of the Princeville II HOA, require re-approval. Buyers are encouraged to conduct their own due diligence regarding these plans.
A Coveted Community
Queen Emma’s Bluff is one of the most popular and sought-after neighborhoods in Princeville. This gem is one of the few remaining ocean view vacant lots, offering an unparalleled opportunity to build a build a home in a coveted location.
Golf course frontage is approx.. 74'. Road frontage is approx. 50'.
4005 Aloalii Dr Princeville 96722 is listed Courtesy of Aloha Sotheby's International Realty - Kauai
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