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Vacant Land
Wainiha - Hanalei
Owner Financing Available!
"Hale Wainiha" ~ nestled in the lush, tranquil beauty of Wainiha Valley, this stunning 15,000+ sq ft lot offers an opportunity to build your best life in one of Kauai’s most magical locations. Situated next to vibrant, centuries-old taro fields that are still actively farmed by Hawaiian families, this property is steeped in legend and natural beauty.
On the East side of this property sits one of the valleys iconic 'auwai (irrigation ditches), hand set boulders that trace their roots back generations, channeling water from streams and springs into the fertile lo'i kalo (taro ponds) that have sustained Hawaiian culture for hundreds of years.
Create your own sacred space, with breathtaking views of the surrounding mountain peaks covered in forests, and the peaceful taro fields that stretch out below them. Whether you are drawn to the serenity of this lush valley or the vibrant cultural history that defines it, this land offers a unique connection to the land and the rich traditions of Kauai.
The property is color "green" for ready for development! County approved septic permit and assigned water meter streamline the path to your dream space. Lot-specific architectural house plans are included, featuring a meticulously designed layout that harmonizes with the valley's natural beauty and meets all building requirements.
Kauai’s North Shore and it's legendary surf spots, iconic beaches, beach parks, as well as hiking trails are an adventurer's dream come true. Whether you’re chasing perfect waves or seeking a peaceful retreat to connect with the island’s soulful energy, this offering brings all the best elements and is your opportunity to create something extraordinary!
Start crafting the space you’ve always imagined!
5075 Wainiha Power Hse Rd Hanalei 96714 is listed Courtesy of Summers Realty
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