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Lihue - Kauai
Welcome to Regency Huleia, a hidden gem in the heart of Lihue on Kauai. This charming, private community features 33 clusters of 2-3 townhomes, with only 83 units nestled amidst lush tropical landscaping. Enjoy the peace and quiet of a meticulously maintained neighborhood. The location is unbeatable! Just a short drive from Costco and major stores, you’ll have everything you need at your fingertips. The YMCA with a full gym and swimming pool is also nearby. Downtown Lihue is just a 7-minute drive away, offering government offices and essential services. Don't miss the largest farmer’s market on the island in nearby Puhi, where you can enjoy fresh locally sourced produce. This home features 1,265 sq ft of living space, a 75 sq ft covered lanai, and a 233 sq ft garage with extra-high ceilings. Inside, find an open floor plan kitchen with new appliances, ample cabinet space, and a bay window framing lush landscapes. The main bedroom includes a cozy nook, walk-in closet, and a spacious bathroom. An upper-level guest bedroom offers another walk-in closet and a full bath. Enjoy breathtaking views of Mt. Haupu and come home to tranquility, convenience and natural beauty at Regency Huleia!
2110 Kaneka Street 71 Lihue 96766 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Realty (808) 738-3904
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