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Single Family Home in Aliomanu Estates - Kawaihau Kauai
This exquisite home, designed in the classical Mediterranean style, offers stunning views of the ocean that are truly captivating. Situated on the bluff on the northeast shore of Kaua’i in the prestigious Aliomanu Estates, this tropical estate is aptly named Villa no ka ’oi, which means “the best” in the Hawaiian language. The grounds are beautifully landscaped and set against the backdrop of Kalalea Mountain — also known as King Kong Mountain. The interior is flooded by natural light, complete with an abundance of windows and beautiful arched doors that invite indoor/outdoor living. Warm Brazilian wood floors and wood ceilings in the main living areas create a cozy atmosphere. The spacious kitchen and dining area are perfect for leisurely breakfasts and gatherings. The primary bedroom has some of the best views in the house, plus a spacious ensuite bathroom with dual sinks and a large bathtub. For perfect relaxation, one can hear the waves and surf. Outside, you can enjoy the ocean breezes while you relax in the covered lanai or take a dip in the pool. With five bedrooms and over four acres of property, this island getaway is perfect for hosting and entertaining. The property is fully gated and private so you can relax in your peaceful paradise.
5330 Kalalea View Dr 7D Anahola 96746 is listed Courtesy of Aloha Sotheby's International Realty - Kauai
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