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Vacant Land in Hauiki/Kawaihau - Kawaihau Kauai
Featuring stunning views of the Makaleha Mountain range, waterfalls, rolling pastures, forested hideaways, and a perennial stream complete with freshwater prawns, bass, tilapia, and visiting waterfowl, this one-of-a-kind piece of paradise on the Garden Isle has everything you need to start building your sustainable living dreams.
The 2400 +/- sf foundation is perfectly situated to capture maximum views from the future main homesite while providing abundant exposure for solar power generation. Tucked in the trees for peace and privacy just a short walk away, you will find the well-appointed yoga studio, Instagram-worthy outdoor shower, wash house, and a small office with big views. With over 1 Gbps internet speeds readily available, this location is perfect for remote work or rural entrepreneurship.
Diverse terrain and open spaces offer endless opportunities to expand the existing farm and raised garden beds with terracing, orchards, greenhouses or aquaculture, or leave them open to maintain the current experience of having your own private grounds. An extensive botanical list is available to detail the 70+ unique species already established on-site. Enjoy the peaceful ambiance of the property’s well-maintained agricultural community.
Located a short drive from world-renowned hiking trails, white sandy beaches and ample fine dining, you receive the best of both worlds from this upcountry wonderland.
Shown by appointment only. Do not enter the property unaccompanied. Property qualifies for either a cash or land loan purchase only.
5880 Kini Pl E Kapaa 96746 is listed Courtesy of Hawaii Life
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