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Single Family Home in Hundley Hights Sudbivision - Kawaihau Kauai
Rarely available Hundley Heights home perched on a promontory above the Pacific Ocean with miles and miles of unbelievably beautiful white water ocean views. This home is what Kauai living should be including a resort style backyard with tropical flowers and an approximately 18' x 36' swimming pool with multiple waterfalls cascading over concrete created volcanic style rock walls . Jumping from the largest five foot waterfall into the pool is a delight for everyone.
The recently totally upgraded home features four large bedrooms, three of which have ensuite baths and direct access to the exterior of the home. Currently they are used as a Main Bedroom and bath, a guest bedroom, a Man Cave with bath and home office with bath. The home office also has a small kitchenette and can be closed off to be a legal separate rental or mother-in-law unit with direct access through French Doors to the outside. Virtually every room has an ocean view, as does the backyard and all of the lanais.
From the upstairs lanai, especially, you can enjoy al fresco dinning and, in season, have a show of the whales breaching in the ocean in front of you. Always a delightful show.
The home backs up to State owned open space and the Kawaihau Spur Elevated
Boardwalk to the Ke Ala Hele Makalae beachfront trail. This allows the owners to be able to walk or bike ride to the beach or to the stores and restaurants of Historic Kapa'a Town in a short five to ten minute venture. Garage has EV charger.
The home is beautifully furnished and most furniture is included in the sale, other than some of the art work and collectibles and the Sellers personal property.
For someone who wants to live on Kauai, and enjoy the experience of living in what some have called "The State of Hawaii's Best Family Community " this is it. Our little neighborhood is a wonderful mixture of folks who undertand what it means to be Lucky to Live Hawaii.
4704 Iwaena Rd Kapaa 96746 is listed Courtesy of Kauai Pacific Real Estate, Llc
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