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Single Family Home
Kapahi Farm Lots - Kawaihau
Excellent value on this ARCHITECTURALLY PLEASING CAPE COD INSPIRED HOME ON 1.8 ACRES OF OCEANVIEW KAUAI! Wait until you see this 3400 square foot single story + matching 2400 sf, large, flex-building on 1.8 level acres planted with mature, producing fruit trees. Secluded, yet convenient to Kapaa Town just minutes away.
Drive down a private driveway to your Cape Cod inspired home ideal for entertaining. As soon as you enter your eyes are drawn to the oceanview through the living room. Then you gaze up to the 24 foot cathedral ceiling and appreciate all the light and space the dormers provide. Relax in the immense living room with expansive custom cabinetry that frames the gas fireplace. The flowing open-concept floorplan is a natural gathering place and you will appreciate the spacious kitchen with considerable cubic footage of storage in the cabinets. Enjoy ocean horizon views from your dining area and living room.
Primary Suite features oceanviews, a cedar-lined walk in closet, another larger closet, coved-tray ceiling, and a fabulous bathroom. Designer /Builder was a Plumbing Contractor and spared no expense in creating this Master Bathroom showpiece.
Oceanview second bedroom has a functional loft. Third bedroom features a vaulted ceiling. A fourth room could be used as a bedroom, home office, ZOOM room, home theater, or ? Expansive Ipe deck graces the rear of the home to enjoy oceanview evenings. Terrific outdoor pavilion with fire pit and outdoor kitchen for grillin' and chillin'.
Second matching 2400sf flex-building has several possibilities which gives you multiple living options. Impressive selection of mature, producing fruit trees. This Kauai residence and flex-building on 1.8 level and lush acres is ready for the new owner. Priced right and excellent value per square foot. This is what a lifetime of hard work gets you!
6201-B Kawaiihau Rd B Kapaa 96746 is listed Courtesy of Re/Max Kauai - Princeville Office
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