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Single Family Home in Kealia - Kamalomalo - Kawaihau Kauai
Nature & adventure lovers will be enchanted by this hidden oasis nestled in the Keapana Valley, just North of Kapaa! Located in an extremely private setting and bordered by the Historic Valley House Estate, this playground of a property has exceptional river bluff frontage with unrestricted mountain, waterfall & sunset views. The property has numerous permitted structures, including a 2-bedroom, 2-bath main residence w/ large screened-in lanais which make for incredible indoor/outdoor living. Multiple home office spaces are ideal for working remotely. There is also a detached multi-room storage building, and a free-standing carport.
The parcel is served by a private water system (no expensive water meter required).
Being the last house up the valley, there is minimal vehicular traffic. From the property one can walk, hike, bike, or ride horses for miles along country roads or just stay at home and fish for bass in the backyard, then slip down one of the water slides for a dip in the stream! Yet, while it feels incredibly remote, the property is just minutes from public/private schools and within close proximity to the super fun restaurant/live music/bar hopping town of Kapaa.
This Keapana Keeper is a "fun zone" for sure - a great place for hosting backyard BBQs and entertaining with family and friends. A wonderful place to call home!
Other notable property features:
- Beautiful Mature Landscaping
- Private Water Well
- Outdoor Hot/Cold "Tree" Shower
- Fireplace/Fire Pits
- Skylights
- Ample Storage
- 2-Office Spaces
- High-Speed Internet
See also, MLS #652041 - which is for the sale of the adjoining vacant CPR Unit in addition to this home. Seller is offering owner-financing for well qualified clients.
6281 Hauaala Rd 2 Kapaa 96746 is listed Courtesy of Hawaii Life
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