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Vacant Land in Kealia Makai - Kawaihau Kauai
At the gateway to Kauai’s North Shore, and only 20 minutes from the Lihue Airport on the northeast shore of Kauai, lays the spectacular oceanfront community of Kealia Kai. Kealia Kai consists of 300 agriculturally zoned acres thoughtfully divided into 29 private beachfront lots. Vistas include whitewater ocean, verdant Kalalea mountain, and spectacular sunrise views.
Ownership in this community includes 24/7 security with keypad protected, gated, entry. This 3.61 acre parcel is perfectly nestled within this is an upscale community. Complete with substantial, unforgettable, ocean views and direct pedestrian access to the beach. A large building pad is located on the hilltop and allows for both a home and guest house. Kealia Kai Subdivision is an estate community where several outstanding “dream homes” have been built. This lot has gorgeous mountain and ocean views. Unforgettable whale watching during the winter months, and great surfing. Varied topography makes this lot architecturally interesting with many possible sites for both the main and guest home. If you are looking for large parcel of estate land, with direct access to the ocean, within an upscale development, to make your dreams come true, then this is one of the best opportunities on Kauai. It is proximity to both Kealia and Kuna beaches. And less than 30 minutes from Kauai’s renown Hanalei Bay. Walk, run or bike all the way to Kapaa, and beyond, on the adjacent coastal path.
Kealia Kai is agriculturally zoned. This zoning allows for the construction of a residence (referred to as a farm dwelling), guest house, and encourages owners to consider the dedication of a portion of their acreage for ag-production enhancing the green space for all owners. Kealia Makai owners enjoy a private water system with set daily allocations to sustain their agricultural pursuits. Come visit this exceptional offering; A true island lifestyle, complete with your own beach access.
4365 Paliku Pl 13A Kealia 96751 is listed Courtesy of Kauai Aloha Real Estate, Inc.
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