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Multi-Family in Moloaa Hui Lands - Kawaihau Kauai
It’s all about the location!
A rare offering of 3 beach front homes in a quiet neighborhood of Aliomanu.
On the market for the first time, owned by the same family.
A perfect place to live in one home and rent the two or make it a luxurious living for family members across multiple generations.
Surrounded with beautiful tropical foliage for privacy with ample parking space.
The sandy beach is perfect for a morning walk, basking in the sun, or just enjoying the magnificent views.
Designed to have two decks on each building. The back decks have views of the Anahola and Kalalea mountain range that are rich in history. The front lanais are large, an ideal place for relaxation and listen the calming sound of the ocean. You can’t really get any closer than this.
This oceanfront property features:
1. Building 1 of 3 – the original home. Two bedrooms/two baths in a two-story apartment. Two family occupancy, double wall framing, cathedral ceiling, two large picture windows, wide lanai with two decks.
2. Building 2 of 3 – Three bedrooms/2 baths in a two-story apartment, two-family occupancy, cathedral ceiling, two large picture windows, with two decks.
3. Building 3 of 3 – One bedroom/one bath cottage, double wall framing, built in 2000 with two decks.
4934 Aliomanu Rd Anahola 96703 is listed Courtesy of Discover Kauai Properties, Llc
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