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Single Family Home in Moloaa Hui Lands - Kawaihau Kauai
Hale Aliomanu is a private oceanfront estate located on Aliomanu Bay on the Northeast side of Kauai. As you drive in the gate, you enter your own personal retreat of swaying palm trees, the soothing sound of the ocean, lush tropical landscaping and the tranquility of Aliomanu. Enjoy unobstructed ocean views from most all of the rooms. Watch the sun come up from the comfort of your bed or stargaze from your lanai. Walk out your front door and stroll across the lush lawn to one of the most private and year round swimmer-friendly beaches on the island.
This spacious estate features a primary oceanfront residence of well over 3,200 sqft of interior living spaces, five bedrooms and five and half bathrooms. A detached garage/workshop also has a second story suite quarters featuring a 500 sqft studio bedroom and bathroom. The elegance of this estate home is evident everywhere, with Ipe wood floors throughout, split A/C system, top of the line kitchen appliances and attention to every detail.
This property also has a transient vacation rental license giving the property flexibility in use and income potential. Located on the northeast corridor of the island, you are just a short trip away from the beaches, world class surfing, tennis and golf of Kilauea and Princeville to the North and the shopping and restaurants of Kapaa to the south.
5070 Kukuna Rd Anahola 96746 is listed Courtesy of Hawaii Life
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