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Single Family Home in Royal Estates - Kawaihau Kauai
This adorable and charming home has so many opportunities awaiting you! Recently remodelled inside and out, this home is cool & comfortable with outstanding views of Sleeping Giant, along with a gorgeous well-maintained yard. Enjoy all the many additions given to it with careful thought and consideration.
Recent indoor improvements include:
~ Radiant barriers and insulation in attic
~ New Induction Cooktop Range
~ New refrigerator
~ New water filtration in kitchen sink
~ New ceilings fans and lighting throughout
~ New split AC in all rooms
~ New toilets, vanity and faucet
~ New window coverings
~ New built-in Saman solid wood desk in primary bedroom
Recent outdoor improvements include:
~ Exterior sun shades
~ Rinnai tankless propane hot water heater
~ Freshly painted throughout
~ Custom outdoor shower with separate tankless propane hot water
~ New gutters and downspouts
~ Full size washer and dryer - 2023
~ New utility sink next to washer/dryer
~ Complete landscaping of the yard including dwarf avocados, cara-cara oranges, mangos, limes and lemons
A hidden gem tucked away with a completely enclosed lanai and yard giving it privacy and a safe environment for kids and pets.
5773 Kuamoo Rd Kapaa 96746 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Island Properties - Kauai
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