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Vacant Land
Wailua Homesteads - Kawaihau
Just reduced for a quick sale! This 3/4 of an acre property offers a rare combination of agricultural potential, sustainable living infrastructure, and ready-to-build development. From the meticulously designed off-grid systems to the abundant vegetation and thoughtful improvements, it represents a unique opportunity to create a truly self-sustaining paradise in one of Kauai's most desirable locations. Whether you're seeking a private retreat, an off-grid lifestyle, or a family compound, this land provides the ideal foundation to turn your vision into reality.
Key Features:
Architectural Plans: Detailed blueprints for a main house, guest house, and garage with workshop are included, valued at $30,000.
Tiny House: A fully constructed, off-grid-ready tiny home,
Off-Grid Power System: A SunGoldPower Solar System, comprising 18,000W capacity with 18 high-efficiency 450W solar panels mounted on the lanai roof and a 48V battery bank, provides an impressive renewable energy solution. This setup includes 4 high-quality batteries and is valued at $40,000. Additionally, a backup solar-powered battery system, with 10 panels on a shed roof, supports energy autonomy and sustainability with a 3,000W inverter and 10-battery bank, adding immense value to the property.
Water System: A fully installed water meter, pipes, and fittings are ready to trench to the entire property, providing seamless access to water infrastructure.
RV Setup: A Sierra Destination RV (valued at $120,000) with shipping to Kauai at $14,000, fully equipped with commercial jacks and hold-downs to ensure structural integrity.
Septic System: The oversized septic system, installed at a cost of $50,000, is fully functional and ready to accommodate new construction.
Reconstruction of Green Shed: The shed has undergone significant upgrades, including a new roof and floor installed in 2024.
6409-A Opaekaa Rd 2 Kapaa 96746 is listed Courtesy of Wai'oli Properties
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