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Single Family Home in Wailua Homesteads - Kawaihau Kauai
Long Days on Market due to some open building permits which are in the process of being finalized. Offer may be made subject to the permits being completed. The 5.97 acre property has some R2 zoning. There is a portion in the flood zone mainly around waterway. The property is a beautiful oasis that contains streams, many open spaces, and wonderful views. The home has been converted into two, independent rentals. The home can easily be made a single-family residence again by opening up the stairwell between the two floors and adding a guardrail around the top opening. The house was extensively renovated around 2017 when the conversion to two rentals occurred. The flooring was upgraded to quality ceramic tile, repainted, kitchen cabinetry updated, and new appliances bought. The roof, recently re-shingled, exterior was repainted, and the original house on the property, removed. The views around the property are exceptional and provide privacy. There are many mature trees on the property, including several fruit-bearing trees. The main floor comprises 2/BD/1BA, a large storage area, an enclosed laundry area, kitchen, and living-dining room area. The unit has direct access to a 570 sq. ft. garage and a large lanai. The second floor has a large master bedroom with ensuite bath and walk-in closet, another bedroom, hallway bath and great room. There are two lanai - one on the front and one in the rear. Both levels have many windows that allow lots of natural light to illuminate the entire space. There are three ceiling fans with lights in both up and downstairs living areas and one in each bedroom.
6573-E Puupilo Rd Kapaa 96746 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Island Properties - Kauai
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