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Vacant Land in Wailua House Lots - Kawaihau Kauai
NOTHING AVAILABLE ON KAUAI LIKE THIS! 2 lots: BEACHFRONT = 17,912 square feet total in the VDA (Visitor Destination Area) zoned R-10. Build multiple homes on the ONLY sandy beachfront lot in the VDA for sale on the entire island. So many possibilities. Impressive and commanding lava rock entrance welcomes you to your sanctuary.
Delicately placed next to the upscale Hale Awapuhi resort, you are perfectly positioned to take advantage of an envious lifestyle. Live on the ocean but be able to walk or ride on the bikepath to everything historic Kapaa Town has to offer. A cyclists dream! Stroll down the beach to the year round swimming area at Lae Nani Beach. Grab something to eat at Lava Lava or other restaurants at Coconut Marketplace. Your own surf spot right out front. Walk / paddle to at least 5 other surf spots, depending on the day.
While all of Kauai is beautiful enough to vacation at, only properties that are located in the VDA (Visitor Destination Areas) can be legally vacation rented, defined as 6 months or less. The VDA areas on Kauai are only limited to: Princeville, most of Poipu, the Coconut Coast area of Kapaa where the condos are, and a small area in Lihue by the Sonesta resort. All other areas are not legal vacation rental areas. Zoned R-10, THIS property offers a rare opportunity to build a number of residences for your use as your primary home, a second home, a long-term rental, or a vacation rental. Shovel-ready, with dirtwork done and mature landscaping installed.
Sale is for both lots and total for both lots is 17,912 square feet. Don't let this rare opportunity pass you up!
356 Papaloa Rd Kapaa 96746 is listed Courtesy of Re/Max Kauai - Princeville Office
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