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Condo in Waipouli - Kawaihau Kauai
Resort style living at its best! Amenities include a fantasy pool and garden, three waterfalls, three sand-bottom jetted spas, two waterslides, 2 community BBQ grills, the Oasis on the Beach Restaurant and a fully equipped gym and spa.
A205 is located on the second floor with elevator access in the building closest to the beach. It offers privacy and is nicely appointed with:
Recently replaced :
New Couch
New Mattress
New Televisions in Bedroom and Living Room
Central air conditioning
Granite counter-tops
Peruvian Travertine stone tile floors
African Mahogany cabinets
Wolf cook-top
Sub-Zero refrigerator
Crown molding
Soaking tub
In-room full size stack washer and dryer
High speed internet
Sound and energy efficient
Double paned windows and sliding doors
Furniture, kitchenware and window coverings included
Sleeps four with a king bed and a queen sofa sleeper
Private lanai
Front Lobby area
Very close to shopping, restaurants and grocery store.
The Waipouli Beach Resort 13+ acre property, one of Kauai's premier vacation destinations, is centrally located very close to the beach on Kauai's beautiful Royal Coconut Coast between Poipu and the North Shore. Easy access to boundless Kauai adventures including a nearby golf course, hiking trails, shopping and much more.
4-820 Kuhio Hwy A205 Kapaa 96746 is listed Courtesy of Aloha Sotheby's International Realty - Kauai
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