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Single Family Home
Kalihiwai Ridge - Kilauea
Tucked away in absolute seclusion, this expansive estate spans 3.5 acres and offers complete privacy and Bali-style luxury. With breathtaking views of Mt. Namahana as a picturesque backdrop, the 4502 sqft main residence offers four bedrooms and three and a half baths. The grand 1750 sqft great room, which includes a spacious gourmet kitchen, inviting living area, and elegant dining space, serves as the perfect venue for entertaining guests and large family gatherings. The separate bedroom suites are connected by open covered breezeways, leading to an outdoor living room-style lanai. Designed to embrace the tropical lifestyle, the residence offers extensive outdoor covered living areas and capitalizes on the refreshing tradewinds.
Outside the great room, the infinity-edged salt-water pool and spa adorned with imported greenstone tiles create a captivating centerpiece, surrounded by over 3000 sqft of ipe decking and expansive outdoor covered living spaces. The spacious multi-purpose open living area downstairs is currently used as a gym. Additional features include an oversized two-car garage, air conditioning and a private detached "writer's cottage.” Distinguishing itself within the neighborhood, the house is meticulously framed with termite-resistant tropical hardwoods throughout. The home features a brand new cedar shake roof, complemented by copper gutters and rain chains. Lava stone accents adorn the exterior, while custom-carved stone art pieces are integrated into carefully selected areas of the home. Breathtaking tropical landscaping and water features complete the atmosphere.
The short drive to Kilauea town offers numerous amenities and conveniences. World class golf is just a few minutes away in Princeville. Famed Hanalei Bay and countless breathtaking beaches and surf spots are also easily accessible from this ideal location on Kauai's North Shore. This is arguably one of the finest properties in Kalihiwai Ridge and the entire North Shore.
5880 Kahiliholo Rd L Kilauea 96754 is listed Courtesy of Hawaii Life
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