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Single Family Home
Kalaheo Homesteads 2Nd Series - Koloa
Introducing a truly exceptional opportunity to own a gated estate, on Kauai’s south side. Perched on a manicured hilltop with stunning ocean and mountain views this property offers privacy views and lots of usable acreage, a rare find indeed.
The 9-acre estate allows for 2 Dwellings and 2 Guest Homes. The two homes already built, were built with the idea to become the guest homes. You can build up to two more full-sized ESTATES WORTHY HOMES and other detached structures.
The well-maintained and mostly level acreage will provide a great canvas to create your Kauai tropical escape. Both existing homes are 500 sq. ft. plus a covered lanai with 1 bedroom, a full kitchen, and a full bath all with high-end finishes. Once you build your dream home or two, these can easily become quaint but elegant guest homes.
This property consists of two different tax keys and are only being sold as a package. This is an extraordinary opportunity you will not want to miss!
The proper address is; 4270-V UMIUMI RD #A. But the home is so new it will not geocode so this listing remarks shows a more generic address.
4270 Umiumi Rd Kalaheo 96741 is listed Courtesy of Oceanfront Sotheby's International Realty
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