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Single Family Home in Kiahuna Golf Village - Koloa Kauai
Nestled in the heart of Kiahuna Golf Village within Poipu’s exclusive Visitor Destination Area, this stunning home offers the perfect balance of privacy, convenience, and island charm. Whether you're seeking a lucrative vacation rental or a personal retreat for an active beach lifestyle, this property is an ideal choice.
Backing up to a protected archaeological preserve, the home provides a sense of seclusion and breathtaking sunset views from your backyard. Imagine unwinding in the evenings as the sky turns vibrant shades of orange and pink, with no neighbors behind you—just the peaceful beauty of Kauai.
Located within walking distance to world-class golf, restaurants, and beaches, this home allows you to embrace the best of Poipu’s outdoor lifestyle. Currently operating as a successful vacation rental, it is available furnished or unfurnished, with furnishings subject to change. Adding to its appeal, a photovoltaic system ensures energy efficiency, providing the owner with a monthly credit instead of an electric bill. Don't miss this rare opportunity to own a piece of paradise!
5359 Pau A Laka St Koloa 96756 is listed Courtesy of Jeffrey Samuels Realty
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