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Koloa Beach - Koloa
This is a leasehold property. Unit 174 at the Kiahuna Plantation Resort in Poipu Beach, Kauai, is a favorite for discerning renters with its ocean views and coveted location. This ocean view condominium, ideally positioned in the heart of the resort, grants effortless access to the beach that the Kiahuna Plantation is located on. Boasting a genuine ground floor location and a lanai seamlessly merging with the lush grass of the "Great Lawn," this unit offers a distinctive coastal living experience. The resort's expansive lawn, a favorite of guests and owners for decades, serves as a preferred spot for sunbathing, relaxing under palm trees, barbecuing, and in the evening some of the most gorgeous sunsets you’ve ever seen.
Notably, this true ground floor unit requires no stairs, providing unparalleled ease of access. From your lanai, a short stroll leads to sandy shores, inviting activities such as boogie boarding, snorkeling, surfing, or a leisurely ocean swim. Tiled throughout, this unit perfectly complements the laid-back island lifestyle.
In 2018 this unit had a $45K major overhaul which included
Entire unit painted throughout
Upgraded lighting and switches throughout
Recessed lighting in kitchen and hallway’
New dining chandelier and lamps
New plumbing and electrical work done
New ceiling fans throughout
Kitchen remodel which included the removal of the overhead cabinets, all new cabinets, granite countertops, pendant lights, new dishwasher, sink, disposal and microwave
Bathroom Remodel which included new vanity cabinet, mirror, sink fixtures, new commode, fan added above shower
The owners are dedicated to keeping this unit in tip top pristine condition and have recently added a new Stainless Steel Refrigerator with ice maker, an island style living room rug and had the lanai attractively retiled with new high quality porcelain lanai tile.
Cut & Paste this link into a new browser window for a tour: https://bit.ly/47U4v5Q
2253 Poipu Rd 174 Koloa 96756 is listed Courtesy of Hawaii Life
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