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Condo in Koloa Beach - Koloa Kauai
This is Leasehold property.
Currently the least priced condo in the beautiful Kiahuna Plantation Resort with partial ocean and garden views.
This lovely one-bedroom unit was a personal residence and lovingly cared for by the owners for over two years.
Turnkey. Recently installed AC in the living room and the electronic lock system. New Casper king size mattress, new appliances, and a separate air dryer oven. Freshly painted interior.
This is located on the second floor, with a single level open layout and easy access to parking. There’s ample parking space in this complex. The balcony overlooks a beautiful cactus garden, truly a place for tranquility. The condo is within a 2-minute walk to the beach right in front of the resort and a place to see the most gorgeous sunsets. The sounds of the ocean waves can be heard from the condo, so peaceful and calming.
This beachfront resort is one of a kind sitting on a 35-acre plantation estate with lush tropical trees that provide lot of shade, orchid garden, a koi pond, more scenic and well-manicured tropical landscapes.
Just minutes to other swimming beaches in Poipu.
Fantastic location with great amenities. One of the fine amenities is the Poipu Beach Athletic Club that offers fitness center, resort style pool, basketball/tennis/pickleball courts, locker rooms, showers, and the Cabana Bar & Grill. Located right across from the resort and just within walking distance.
Conveniently located and across the street is the Poipu Shopping Village. Ideal for shopping and casual dining. The proximity to the nearby resorts with fine dining options, golf courses, and other fun activities make this resort ideal for short term rental or living in it all year round.
2253 Poipu Rd 309 Koloa 96756 is listed Courtesy of Discover Kauai Properties, Llc
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