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Koloa Beach - Koloa
This is a leasehold property. Imagine owning a condominium with a view so stunning it was once featured on a postcard. Unit #77 at the Kiahuna Plantation offers this breathtaking scene, showcasing the iconic Twin Bridges, the Great Lawn, and the white-water ocean beyond.
Cherished by the same family for nearly 40 years, this unique upper-floor unit is one of only six with its own dedicated stairwell, ensuring privacy and exclusivity. With just four units in the building, it offers a low-density, serene living experience.
Nestled in the heart of the historic Kiahuna Plantation resort, renowned for its expansive lawns, tropical gardens, and direct access to a swimming beach, this condominium offers the quintessential Hawaiian lifestyle. Away from roads and parking, you're just a one-minute barefoot walk to the pristine sand and surf.
Enjoy the picturesque views as you dine inside or on the spacious lanai. The living room features a built-in entertainment center with a TV, while the primary bedroom boasts a king-size bed and an additional wall-mounted TV.
This one-bedroom, one-bath condominium, located on the top floor of a two-story building, is perfectly positioned to capture the cooling trade winds. If desired, the covenants allow for the installation of air conditioning.
Kiahuna Plantation 77 offers the option of being able to vacation rent out the property when you are not enjoying it yourself. Offering a prime location by way of being the only condominium complex on Kauai's South Shore that is directly on a swimming beach. With convenient access to ocean swimming, delightful shopping, exquisite dining, and a wide range of outdoor activities, this island dream becomes a truly unbeatable combination.
Ready to take a tour? Paste this link into a new browser window and enjoy; https://bit.ly/45T0NsY
2253 Poipu Rd 77 Koloa 96756 is listed Courtesy of Hawaii Life
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