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Single Family Home in Kukuiula Residential Subdivision Ph Iii - A - Koloa Kauai
Affectionately referred to as Club Cottage #8, and part of the LEED Certified Club Cottage neighborhood at Kukui‘ula, this property is the most proximate listing to the astounding Club at Kukui‘ula. Indeed, no other property can claim the preferred location that the Club Cottages provide. A glass of wine at the fire pit, yoga class, early morning tee time, tennis at sunset and a swim all avail immediately adjacent.
Choose to enjoy this property yourself or consider participating in the Lodge Program which admits just 42 properties to its vacation rental program wherein guests pay a premium to have unrestricted access to the Club at Kukui‘ula.
Throughout the combined 2,048 square feet of air-conditioned living and onto each lanai, you will appreciate elevated and cohesive appointments. Beginning with the dual primary suite Main Home and extending to the detached 1 Bedroom 1 Bath Guest House, the architecture and interiors showcase fine woodwork, custom cabinetry, custom ipe wood floors, built ins, gracious ceilings and the list goes on. Every element is designed to be in tune with Kaua‘i’s unique architecture and offer the best in barefoot elegance.
Land Area: 13,440 SF
Main Home: 2 bedrooms and 2.5 baths – 1,696 + 336 screened lanai + 192 SF front lanai
Guest House: 1 bedroom and 1 bath – 352 SF + 132 Lanai
Designated: LEED Certified Main Home and Guest House
Lodge Program: One of just 42 properties at Kukui‘ula where guests enjoy Club privileges
Appointments: Fine interiors with elevated trim, custom Ipe flooring, Marble floors in baths
HVAC: Fully air conditioned
Amenities: Private yard, fire pit and built-in barbeque
Membership: All owners at Kukui’ula must join the Club ($150,000 fee at closing)
Club Amenities: Club Events, Dining, Golf, Pools, Spa, Fitness, Farm, Tennis, Pickleball, etc.
2789 Ke Alaula St Koloa 96756 is listed Courtesy of Compass
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