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Single Family Home in Kukuiula Residential Subdivision Ph Iii - C - Ii - Koloa Kauai
Welcome to Kainani 2. This stunning home seamlessly combines luxury, nature, and tranquility. Tucked away on an expansive 19,964 square foot lot, this tropical haven, designed by Flynn Architects, boasts a total living area of 5,495 square feet, including an expansive 3,745 sq. ft. interior & a generous 1,750 sq. ft. covered lanai + pool pavilion.
Step inside the stunning home with vaulted ceilings, rich teak accents & shiplap throughout. This home is elegant, yet warm, offering the best barefoot luxury living – from the large format tiles in the main living space to the comforting hardwood of the bedrooms and office. An integrated SONOS sound system allows you to immerse yourself in high-quality audio throughout the home. Split air conditioning units positioned throughout the residence offer the ability to control various rooms, even while you have the doors open to let the tradewinds flow through another. An eco-friendly solar hot water system helps you reduce your environmental footprint & save on energy costs.
The main house offers 3 well-appointed ensuite bedrooms plus a kids’ bunk room with its own ensuite. The separate 1 bedroom ‘ohana with full bathroom and private office space designed to provide a luxurious living experience. Two of the main home bedrooms feature outdoor showers surrounded by the natural beauty of lava rock, + the ‘ohana has another private outdoor space with outdoor shower + water feature. Bespoke interior design, custom furniture & fit-up by Bossa Interior Design + Furniture with means this home is delivered turn-key.
Exquisite Puka lava stone adorns the exterior lanai, enhancing your outdoor living experience. Savor breathtaking ocean and landscape views from the glistening infinity edge pool while basking in the privacy of the intricately designed lava rock walls that encircle the property. The fire pit is the perfect place to reminisce the day, and share cherished experiences.
2829 Pualeikukui Pl Koloa 96756 is listed Courtesy of Kukui'ula Realty Group Llc
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