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Single Family Home
Poipu Beach Estates - Koloa
The Big O'hana is a successful AIR CONDITIONED Vacation Rental property that features 2 dwellings: Ka Nani Hoa 2256 SF 4 bedroom, 4.5 bath residence that sleeps ten, and the O'Hana 800 SF 2 bedroom, 2 bath (Guest House) that sleeps 4. Main Garage with Laundry 576 SF, 2nd Garage/Flex Space 200 SF currently houses a Ping Pong Table. There's plenty of room to build your dream POOL and SPA in the center courtyard.
Located in the private upscale Poipu Beach Estates neighborhood - easy walking distance to Poipu's white sand beaches, restaurants and shopping. Impeccable property for up to 14 inhabitants including adults, children and toddlers.
You can't help but notice the beautiful, ornate, hand carved wooden french entry doors and a reminiscent porch swing that invites you to slow down, sit back, relax and enjoy the island breeze. Once inside, coffered ceilings with a large open concept kitchen/dining/living room awaits. Emerald green Labradorite granite slabs embellish the Chef's Kitchen - stocked with everything you'll need to entertain the liveliest of crowds. Its center island accommodates 5 guests, nearby oversized Monkey Pod dining table seats 8. You are sure to create memories over meals eaten here.
Welcoming French doors lead to the enormous private fenced back yard where family and friends can gather to play games, and run free. Enjoy the nearby Mountain scenery. You will be organically cooled by Kauai's Trade Winds while seated at the outdoor eating area, complete with a propane grill. A refreshing outdoor shower is your best friend after a stint as the master griller or a long day at Sheraton Beach - just a 12 minute walk (or a 2 min drive) away. Snorkel, Swim, Boogie Board, Surf or Soak up Vitamin D for free at any of Kauai's World Class Beaches.
Once this property is yours, just show up with your bags and let your real life begin!
Offered Furnished. HOA fee just $195/mo + Sewer fee $46/mo. Landscape water $60/mo.
2690 Halalu St Koloa 96756 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Island Properties - Kauai
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