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Condo in Weliweli & Weliweli (Makai) - Koloa Kauai
Updated Kahala condo. Corner unit featuring ocean views from the top floor located in the prized 600 building. 621 is located within the Poipu Kai Resort on Kauai’s south shore. Ample space to enjoy your morning coffee with views from two furnished lanais - one of which boasts an outdoor table that is perfect for dining alfresco. Beautifully appointed, the open interior is designed with vaulted wood-beam. Ocean views from kitchen, dining and living room areas. Master bedroom features lanai access large walk in closet and updated bathroom and shower. Just steps from a scenic greenbelt walking path, BBQ grills, shared tennis courts, access to two shared pools, and a hot tub.
Brand new Lanais with Copper Gutters
Well maintained complex no Special assessments
Successful vacation rental $74k 2023,
Year to date July 2024 $43K
New water heater and washer and dryer installed 2024
Perfect as an investment or second home - This spacious 1-bedroom, 1-bathroom condo is well-maintained and fully furnished. One assigned parking stall is included.
This is a multi-level condo with ground floor entry to an indoor landing area, one flight of stairs to the main living space.
1901 Poipu Rd 621 Koloa 96756 is listed Courtesy of Destination Kauai Llc
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