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Hokuala - Lihue
Commanding an elite location, Kaiholo 3201 is a premier 3 bedroom home in the highly sought after oceanfront Kaiholo building at Timbers Kaua’i Ocean Club & Residences. Gracious living spaces and expansive wrap-around lanais look out to a sweeping panorama of the lighthouse, coastline, and the vast Pacific Ocean. Here the hospitality could not be more welcoming and ownership could not be more effortless. As an Owner in the resort community, you and your family enjoy an authentic and cultured lifestyle with a host of five-star amenities and services.
The residence is beautifully furnished and offered turn-key.
The Kaiholo Residences at Timbers Kauai offer elegant and sophisticated oceanfront resort-style living at the beautiful Timbers Kaua'i Ocean Club & Residences at the Hokuala resort. Resort amenities include a state-of-the-art fitness facility, multiple pools and hot tubs, new pickleball and tennis courts, Hualani's Restaurant, and an island adventure center stocked with bikes, boards, beach equipment and gear for any island adventure. Owners enjoy a turn-key residence and effortless ownership with dedicated concierge services, onsite housekeeping and maintenance services, wellness programs and an activities calendar chock full of activities to fit any lifestyle.
Timbers Kauai Ocean Club & Residences is nestled on the ocean's edge between the 15th and 16th holes of the award-winning Signature Nicklaus Designed Ocean Course at Hokuala. At Hokuala, Owners enjoy access to a 450-acre estate with endless biking and running trails meandering throughout lush tropical grounds, an Organic Farm, and a 38-acres of lagoon with fishing, kayaking and paddle boarding available. The resort is conveniently located adjacent to beaches with dining and shopping nearby.
3770 Ala'oli Way 3201 Lihue 96766 is listed Courtesy of Hokuala Real Estate
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