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Condo in Nawiliwili - Niumalu - Lihue Kauai
Mountain Views and Cool trade-winds await you at DD205.
Located in the Heart of Lihue, spacious 2 bedroom / 2 full baths condo at one of the rare pet friendly condo complexes.
Not only is this one of the very few larger 2bedroom condos at Halelani Village, with almost 100 extra square feet of living space, but this is also one of the very few condos with Vaulted ceilings!
- Private Lanai with views of the Ha`upu Mountain range, a pick-a-boo of the ocean and an extra closet on the Lanai.
- Inviting ceiling-to-floor dining nook with 3 windows.
- Newer appliances include Stacked Washer/Dryer, Refrigerator, Dishwasher, Kitchen range.
- 2 conveniently located assigned parking stalls (#121 and #94)
- Mail box conveniently located in close proximity
- Bus stop in close proximity for added convenience
- 4 Visitor parking stalls in close proximity marked in yellow
HOA dues cover water, sewer, common area landscaping and maintenance, association management, insurance, reserves, solid waste removal service and cardboard recycling.
Halelani Village is located in the Heart of Lihue. Close to a community park across the road, several schools (private and public), the community college, two shopping centers and a short drive to Beaches, Golf, Medical facilities, Costco, Grocery stores, Farmer's Markets, the Airport, Restaurants, Harbor, Gyms, the YMCA, Post Office, Banks.
2090 Hanalima St DD205 Lihue 96766 is listed Courtesy of Oceanfront Sotheby's International Realty
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