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Single Family Home in Puako Subdivision - Lihue Kauai
An exceptional trophy property, located on the 18th hole of the Puakea Golf Course, is a home like no other anywhere on Kaua’i. The awe-inspiring panoramic views of the Haupu Mountain Range (also known as the “Hidden Gem of Kaua’i”) are stunning. Home is designed for absolutely the best of indoor/outdoor island living in an extremely private setting.
Designed by well-known Gary Tobey, this is the most distinguished luxury home on the Puakea Course. Perfectly situated on the largest and most secluded parcel in Puako, the residence is sited to take advantage of the views of mountains and golf course.
Quartzite flagstone carries throughout. From the driveway to the elegant entry, the pool hardscape, and the complete living areas give this home the rich character to enhance any décor and indoor-outdoor Kaua’i style living and aesthetic. Built by J M Pacific, the home was constructed without bearing walls to support the unique roof structure; many of the more significant walls were engineered with steel framing. Extensive use of glass windows, doors, and walls creates expansive openness in every direction. Owners will not only appreciate but cherish the artistic attention to detail for generations – it is timeless contemporary design.
A renovation is nearing completion with several hundred thousand dollars having been invested in new glass folding door systems, two new 5-ton Lennox variable speed high-efficiency air conditioning systems with air purification and Mylar air distribution system, two new Daiken mini split units, new insulation in the entire attic, new pool heater, new variable pool pump, new Pentair pool control system. New Savant audio video system, new televisions and speakers. The kitchen and bathrooms have new quartz countertops. New exterior paint. Hydrazzo polished pool finish, spa with remote. Photo-voltaic energy system for pool heating.
An amazing property that must be experienced to fully appreciate resort style living.
2268 Kanio St Lihue 96766 is listed Courtesy of Aloha Sotheby's International Realty - Kauai
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