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Single Family Home in - Maui
Assumable Mortgage Rate 2.25%. Nestled on Molokai's serene shores, this captivating property is an ideal retreat for those seeking a dream home with ocean views. Imagine waking up to the whitewater panoramas of Papohaku beach, embraced by the tranquil melody of the ocean. This narrative unveils a versatile sanctuary—a 2-bed, 2-bath residence with a 3-car garage, and a charming 1-bed Ohana with separate utilities. Crafted in island-style bamboo, these homes boast granite kitchens, elegant vessel sinks, bamboo flooring, reflecting a strong connection to nature. The main dwelling surprises with an extended lanai, stainless appliances, a Jacuzzi, and Minka fans, offering modern amenities for a luxurious lifestyle. Step outdoors, and a sprawling covered lanai invites you to seamlessly connect with the lush surroundings. This property eagerly awaits your personal touch to weave a tale of tranquility and elegance within Molokai's captivating landscape. If you are on the lookout for a home with ocean views, spacious interiors, and island-inspired aesthetics, this property is a must-see. With its panoramic views, spacious interiors, and unique island charm.
200/206 Awawa Road Maunaloa 96770 is listed Courtesy of Jeffrey Samuels Realty (808) 221-0557
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