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Vacant Land in - Maui
One Acre of Oceanfront Land for Sale in Huelo, Maui, w/ natural waterfall, pools and easy ocean beach access for $927,000 w/ option to have a custom Bali-built Mandala Eco Home. Located right on ocean w/ a gorgeous bay. On one side the land borders the year-round stream w/ 10-foot waterfall & natural pools. A trail through a native Hala forest provides quick & easy access to the ocean beach below. The parcel for sale is 1 acre of 3.6-acre total property. The plateau offers the perfect spot for the up to 1500 sq ft Ohana ADU w/ views of ocean, Haleakala, valley & bay. There is land financing available for up to 2 years w/ a sufficient down payment. CPR NOTICE: This unit is in process of obtaining CPR, CPR Docs not yet issued. No money can exchange until issued. We will use "Non-Binding Preregistration Agreement" until CPR issued. Listing company is not involved in CPR or sale of property. All comments, data is provided by seller or seller's rep. Buyer to confirm all & hold all parties harmless from any discrepancy data in the mls & advertising. Limited Service–Data Entry Addendum signed by seller/s must be signed by buyer/s w/ Purchase Contract.
0 Hoolawa Road Haiku 96708 is listed Courtesy of Nathalie Mullinix R. U., Inc. (808) 261-0350
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