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Condo in - Maui
Opportunity to own on Hawaii's most discreet and private island. Highly coveted two-story, 3 bed/3.5 bath with a 2-car garage is uniquely positioned having neighbors on only one side plus generous square footage. Front courtyard provides exceptional privacy. Dramatic high ceilings bring nature and light to the inside. Sub-Zero fridge, Thermador double wall ovens and range, outdoor Viking built-in BBQ. Overlooking 9th fairway with unobstructed ocean views, including the iconic Sweetheart Rock. Enjoy whale and dolphin sightings while entertaining guests on your lanai. Sunrise is a daily ritual from nearly every room in the house and the outdoor shower takes bathing to new heights. Four Sea Seasons Hotel and Hulopoe Beach at Manele Bay are just a short walk or golf cart ride away. Island Club membership available for purchase, granting access to two Four Seasons Resorts and their amenities including unlimited golf at Hawaii's #1 ranked course, tennis, Pickleball, spa treatments, wellness classes, gym facilities, dining, and other hotel privileges. This furnished, turnkey property is only one of 12 End Units in the entire area. A true find in a highly desired market.
57 Polihua Place 12D Lanai City 96763 is listed Courtesy of Berkshire Hathaway Hmsvc Hi Re (808) 792-3910
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