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Single Family Home
Kihei - South Maui
Whether you're on the hunt for a multi-generational home or a quality investment in a highly-desirable enclave of Kihei, this remarkable two-story residence may be the one! Set on a shaded corner lot, it offers a partially furnished 3 bedrooms and 2 baths in the expansive main house, along with 1 bedroom and 1 bath in the attached ohana. The garage has been enclosed to create an air conditioned office. Enjoy spectacular sunsets from several decks and the lanai, or head to the rooftop balcony for a panoramic view of the mountains and water. An open-plan layout with vaulted ceilings allows a seamless flow between your dining room and the freshly painted living room, accentuated by newer vinyl plank flooring. New screen doors and multiple windows with recently installed blinds bring in brilliant sunlight. Your ensuite primary bedroom has direct access to a pergola where you can relax in private. A long list of recent major updates awaits you, including a 24-panel solar system, a Tesla Powerwall, split AC units, plus upgraded electrical panels, appliances, and water heater. Outside, a recently installed sprinkler system maintains the abundant trees and plants surrounding the home. Among other must-have features are a generously sized office, a well-equipped laundry room, and dedicated storage space. Experience style, function, and more in this impeccable abode, located just a short drive from shopping, restaurants, and the beach.
495 Kaiwahine St Kihei 96753 is listed Courtesy of Keller Williams Realty Maui-Ki 808-270-2977
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