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Napili/Kahana/Honokowai - West Maui
Own a desired West Maui oceanfront property that is within minutes of the World Famous Kaanapali Resort. This 2 bed 2 bath floorplan focus is the up-front master bedroom, 2 private lanais with ocean and Molokai views. Upgraded kitchen in 2017 with new wiring and plumbing features quartz countertops, stainless appliances, accented by tiled backsplash and hardwood cabinets. Both master and guest baths highlights are granite countertops, hardwood cabinets and boast tiled walk-in showers. Fully furnished and a stacked washer dryer makes this unit vacation rental ready. With proper approval, split A/C units are now allowed. Unit physically is on the second level but listed as first floor. Engineering, landscaping, housekeeping, meeting rooms and storage are on the ground level. Property amenities include a tranquil tropical courtyard with a cascading waterfall. Ocean front pool, hot tub, club house and propane bbqs to entertain family and friends. The buyer(s) are aware that this condominium complex is in A1 or A2 zoning which may be affected by Maui County's future ordinance to discontinue the allowance of short term rentals. Buyer(s) should do their own due diligence on the future use of this property, Buyer(s) understand that there is no guarantee of future rental income. A short term rental is defined as a domicile rented out for less than180 days.
3601 Lower Honoapiilani Rd 122 Lahaina 96761 is listed Courtesy of Keller Williams Realty Maui-L Cell: 808-264-4617
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