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Kaanapali - West Maui
Simply THE BEST view! Hokulani 605, a spacious 1,100 sq. ft. two-bedroom home is located in the very sought-after inner-courtyard at Honua Kai Resort and Spa. And even better, it’s on the TOP floor. Positioned ONLY TWO HOMES from oceanfront, it captures a full unobstructed ocean view, with mature palm tree branches swaying in the breeze. Enjoy watching the whales and the gorgeous Maui sunsets while sitting on your private lanai. It’s simply Maui living at its best! Upgrades include wood look vinyl flooring throughout the living area. H605, currently being self- managed, participates in a very successful rental program. Honua Kai amenities include 3 distinct swimming pools, 5 hot tubs, underground parking, concierge service, HOA owned work out facility, Ho'ola Spa, Aina Gourmet Market, ABC Store and of course, its famous Dukes Beach House. This is certainly a “must consider” for the discerning buyer.
130 Kai Malina Pkwy SR605 Lahaina 96761 is listed Courtesy of Susan Jackson Real Estate Cell: 865-206-1234
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