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Single Family Home in Kula/Ulupalakua/Kanaio - Upcountry Maui Maui
A magnificent 360 degree view on one level, this gated Kula estate offers an Upcountry lifestyle, a great location and privacy, on nearly 8 acres of pasture land. Your main living room takes place in the spacious great room with 11' ceilings, custom pocket sliding doors & a 6' fireplace. This property has it all: rustic reclaimed elm floors, African Mahogany, Silver Oak, and teak throughout. The kitchen features long granite counters & premium paneled appliances. The master bedroom has built-in bookshelves, and custom walk-in closet. Adjoining is an ensuite bath with a steam room. Enjoy movies in a sound-proof viewing room with a high definition projector and surround-sound. Downstairs work out in the exercise room with quiet cork flooring, mirrored walls and TV. The laundry room has a built-in central vacuum, granite counters & a laundry chute from the master closet. The separate downstairs guest room has a walk-in shower & opens to a patio & lanai. The outdoor cabana sports a beautiful pool & spa, quartzite deck, BBQ, fire pit, sauna, outdoor shower & powder room. Enjoy the anti-glare, big screen TV, So nos music system & commercial grade WiFi throughout. This country estate features a 3-car garage with a view, a barn & a tack shed, that can double as an extra guest room or an additional 2-car garage. Landscaped with mature fruit trees & a tiered herb garden, this well-constructed residence has many more custom features & amenities. You must see it to appreciate it!
Kula 96790-7456 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Island Prop(S) Cell: 808-870-4073
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