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Wailea/Makena - South Maui
OUTSTANDING VALUE for one of Wailea Point's most FABULOUS VIEW UNITS. This is the highly sought after Upper Level D plan, Wailea Point’s second largest standard floor plan located on the top 2 floors of a 4-story building; 2 levels, 3 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms. The location is a “10”, affording spectacular ocean views. The vaulted ceilings are a bonus, and new windows were installed in 2022, including the gorgeous mitered glass bay window that makes the ocean view from the living room simply POP! Facing west, 180-degree ocean views, year-round sunsets, and whales galore! The entire upstairs is a master suite with full bath & soaking tub, and its own private, 144 sq. ft. “crow’s nest" lanai with stunning views. Original condition except for the beautiful new windows. Unfurnished. Wailea Point was built to be the finest residential condominium in all of Hawaii - and many believe it is just that. Built in the late 1980's, it stole the show at the 1986 Parade of Homes, a competition sponsored by the Building Industry Association of Hawaii. It also won a national award from Sunset Magazine for best use of glass - and the sellers have improved on that by replacing windows, and installing the awesome "mitered glass bay window" in the living room. Aside from its World Class location, Wailea Point boasts ultra-high quality design & construction, very low density (just over 4 units per acre), low rise structures in a magnificent, garden environment. 24-hour roving & gated security; 2 elaborate pool pavilions with kitchens & barbecues; 4 pools (including a 2-lane, 25-meter lap pool); 2 whirlpool spas; lighted tennis & pickleball courts; superb fitness gym; extensive fruit & herb gardens; ample parking; and it's golf cart friendly! Enjoy the Four Seasons and Fairmont Kea Lani resorts as immediate neighbors, plus the Grand Wailea a short walk away, and all the 5-star restaurants & other services they offer. Well run AOAO.
4000 Wailea Alanui Dr 2502 Kihei 96753 is listed Courtesy of Wailea Point Realty, Inc. realty@waileapoint.com
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