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Wailea/Makena - South Maui
Ascend the stairs to the great room of Ho'olei Villa 57-2 and be rewarded with one of the finest ocean views in Wailea! This spacious two-story, 3 bedroom, 3.5 bath townhome-style Villa has 2,426 square feet of living area and is gracefully located on the desirable third row in the heart of one of Wailea's most sought after vacation communities. Ho'olei 57-2 is perfectly positioned to maximize ocean views, which can be seen from almost every room, while offering an exquisite sense of privacy and seclusion. This Villa has the popular Maile floor plan which has approx 27-foot wide covered lanais on both levels as well as a spacious upstairs suite large enough to fit two queen sized beds. Kitchen features custom cherry wood cabinets, two Sub Zero refrigerators with matched cabinet facings, and Wolf stainless steel appliances throughout. Dual-paned Fleetwood glass doors retract completely into the wall to seamlessly connect the great room with the large upstairs lanai. Nearby are all of Wailea’s many resort amenities including the best beaches on Maui, elite shopping opportunities, first class restaurants, golf and tennis.
57 Makakehau St J2 Kihei 96753 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Island Prop(S) Cell: 808-870-4899
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