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Single Family Home in Wailuku - Central Maui Maui
Welcome home to Anuhea at Kehalani Phase 9, a brand new 164-single family home community. These homes feature vaulted or tray great room ceilings per plan, oversized dual glazed vinyl windows, Corian Countertops and many more features for your daily enjoyment. Lot 34 is of the Pali/IK8 Floor Plan, was released for sale in Phase 9 and is situated along the mountain side of the street. This home is under construction with Fall 2024 completion. Developer reserves the right to modify floor plans, elevations, specifications, features and prices without prior notice. Square footage and room sizes are approximate.Price increase due to builder Pre-selected options and upgrades which include Corian countertop, upgraded bath tile, luxury vinyl floor throughout including stairway, upgraded GE appliance package with French door refrigerator. Full rain gutters, and Split A/C included.
81 Pua Kalaunu Loop Lot 34 Wailuku 96793 is listed Courtesy of Towne Island Homes, Ltd
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