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Single Family Home
Kula/Ulupalakua/Kanaio - Upcountry Maui
Lower Kula treasure. Set in an ideal drier climate of Omaopio on the lower slopes of Haleakala at approx 1,350 ft elevation, this 4,410 sf home with 5 bedrooms and 5.5 bathrooms on 5 acres of prime Kula ag land offers breathtaking bicoastal views. A spectacular palm-tree lined driveway sets a magical scene for this special Maui property that includes 5-car garage parking, pool & a farm building. From the hilltop garage, the main entry on same level draws you in to the living room, boasting incredible cathedral ceilings, a gourmet kitchen with 6-gas burners, a deck with gazebo that showcases both south & north shore ocean views. The primary bedroom suite, a guest bedroom suite & an office are located upstairs on the same level as the living room & kitchen. Central a/c throughout upper level except for 2nd bedroom. Descend downstairs to find two more bedroom suites, another guest bedroom, all cooled with split-system AC, & a family room with tiki bar that leads to a pool. Downstairs also has the laundry room, another bathroom and storage. All furnishings included with the sale for move-in-ready ease. Ceiling fans throughout. New septic system (1250 gallons) installed in 2017. Priced below recent appraisal. Seller holds active California real estate license.
3051 Omaopio Rd Kula 96790-8868 is listed Courtesy of Delmore Realty kim@delmore.net
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