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Vacant Land
Haiku - North Shore Maui
One of only two remaining lots for sale in Pe'ahi Farms and construction of new homes is currently underway. Lot 13 is extremely private, overlooking the eastern gulch that’s adjacent to the property. This 15.601-acre parcel offers breathtaking views of Haleakala and the Pacific Ocean. Careful planning integrates just 16 custom estate sites centered around agricultural open space. Set atop 130 ft. bluffs at Opana Point, at the northernmost point of Maui’s North Shore, these shovel ready building sites are ready to be built upon. Each lot has the SMA approval for building within the building envelope. With multiple options such as building a house and cottage, just a house, or starting with a small footprint (and budget) you could build the cottage first. The community takes its name from the nearby big wave surf break commonly called Jaws, whose Hawaiian place name is Pe‘ahi, meaning wave. Pe‘ahi Farms offers sweeping views of the Pacific Ocean, upcountry Maui and the slopes of Haleakala, the West Maui Mountains, the island of Molokai, and the rugged coastline that hugs the winding Road to Hana. The breezy bluff property, cooled by prevailing trade winds, gently slopes and undulates, enhancing views and privacy by design — each home site is purposefully chosen to maximize both.
610 Kai Huki Cir Lot 13 Haiku 96708 is listed Courtesy of Hawaii Life (W) Cell: 808-283-2222
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