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Single Family Home in Hana - East Maui Maui
Hana Ranch is the largest offering on Maui and one of the few remaining private holdings of this size in Hawai‘i. Established as a working cattle ranch in 1944, it remains an iconic agricultural land holding encompassing approximately 3,547 fee simple acres. The sale includes 37 separate parcels, allowing for the creation of a secluded estate with multiple homesites. The ranch features ocean and mountain views and is managed by a dedicated paniolo using sustainable, diversified agriculture and silviculture practices. Stewarded over its history by only a handful of owners, the current owner developed a land use plan based on regenerative agriculture and environmental stewardship. This includes rotational grazing, orchards of tropical fruit and ulu (breadfruit), and the restoration of forests and watersheds. A variety of vegetable crops have been grown and marketed on the land over the years, with potential for large-scale production. Included in the sale are a two-bedroom farm house with direct ocean views, equestrian facilities (including a rodeo arena), ranch and farm buildings and equipment, multiple wells and storage tanks, and fencing and gates for rotational grazing. Abundant water resources are managed by two operating water companies. Ranch roads and hiking or equestrian trails traverse rolling pastures and upland forests. Hana, Maui, located on the eastern slope of Haleakala, is a verdant coast that was one of the first areas settled by voyaging Polynesians and remains a thriving community proud of its heritage. Access the ranch via the historic Hana Highway, fly into Hana airport (10 minutes away), or utilize the helicopter landing site on the ranch. Rich in history and future possibilities, Hana Ranch presents the opportunity to create a legacy for generations to come.
5670 Hana Hwy Hana 96713 is listed Courtesy of Hawaii Life (Pr) Cell: 808-346-7413
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