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Condo in Wailea/Makena - South Maui Maui
Looking for one-level living? This is a Honua Model, the greatly sought-after floor plan with the downstairs Primary Bedroom! Live essentially on one level. Enjoy incredible views and amenities at the Hale including an amazing infinity pool, steam room, sauna and gym. Beautifully located on prestigious Kai Malu Place (the street where the developers' units were), this is a very quiet street with very little traffic. Walk off the lanai into the park-like green space, take a shortcut through the ti tunnel to the Hale and infinity pool with one of the biggest views in Wailea! Entertain family and friends there or back on your own lanai which functions like a second living room. No ocean view from downstairs; Partial ocean views from upstairs courtyard bedroom and beautiful Haleakala view from mauka bedroom. You might even consider a stair chair to the second level.Apartment furnished (you may want to add a sofa where the piano was) and well renovated including all the artwork. What you see is what you get. Wait till you see the kitchen! New Thermador Appliances (3/24), all new LED lighting and new hot water heater. The home has a new A/C and air handling system (Lennox “Coastal Series”), two Tesla wall mounted power walls in the TWO CAR GARAGE, owned PV system (28 panels) and full home surge protector. Avg. electric bill $30/month! Classic rule of real estate: Buy the least expensive property in the most expensive location. Can't wait to show you this place! Easy to see. Call your favorite Realtor.
360 Kai Malu Pl 49-B Kihei 96753 is listed Courtesy of Pali Kai Inc Cell: 808-250-8020
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