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Kaanapali - West Maui
If you’re looking for a wonderful place to land when you come home to Maui, unit 549 at Kaanapali Shores might fit your dream. This lovely 1 bedroom 1 bath unit has been enjoyed by the same family since 2002. The partial ocean view is lovely, as are the upgrades in this ASTON Managed unit. The floor plan features the living area and kitchen sharing the ocean view, and the bedroom sits in the rear of the unit, enhancing the privacy and great flow of this particular floor-plan. ASTON managed units in this Spectacular Resort have the unusual benefit of being in a rental pool, so your unit collects income whether it’s occupied or not. The 1-bedroom units generally share an over 90% occupancy. Every few years, all of the ASTON Managed units are completely renovated, so the guest experience is top shelf at all times, as long as you enjoy their Rental Program. Kaanapali Shores enjoys 2 swimming pools, with Spas, a gym, 3 meal a day restaurant, covered parking, a tennis court, pickle ball court, weekly crafts fairs, a beauty salon, and sundry shop on site. It’s also located within walking distance to a market, several eateries, and the food trucks parked nearby. North Kaanapali Beach is 1 mile from the Royal and the Kai Kaanapali Golf Courses, 3 miles from the world class Kapalua Bay and Plantation Courses. You will also find something for everyone to enjoy, including, snorkeling, diving, some of the best surf on the planet, several art galleries, and local artists galore. Maui has some of the top award -winning restaurants as well. This is a heavily booked apartment, and showings are only available between guests. 2023 Year income and YTD income attached under documents
3445 Lower Honoapiilani Rd 549 Lahaina 96761 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Island Prop-Kp Cell: 808-276-6061
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