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Wailea/Makena - South Maui
Wailea Elua is a revered, Hotel Resort Zoned, 24-acre Oceanfront veritable Garden of Eden! This World-Class low-density property enjoys an unparalleled amount of direct ocean/beach & ‘Wailea Walkway’ frontage! It is 1 of 2 esteemed guard-gated Wailea condominiums & its owners value a loyal historic following of returning vacationers. Elua 1101 was lovingly & comprehensively renovated in 2018. Throughout the open & spacious floor plan, there is luxury vinyl wood-like flooring & ceiling sound insulation. The light-filled interior is enhanced with recessed LED gallery-quality lighting. Fine quality ‘Western Windows’ & Sliding Doors replaced all the original infrastructure. A lovely juxtaposition of clean, contemporary, & eco-friendly natural organic elements are featured. Stunning natural grain Douglas Fir wood doors & vertical, book-matched, blond bamboo cabinetry are contrasted with Hans-Grohe brushed stainless steel fixtures, & the fabulous patterns & textures of the specimen silver-grey-white granite counters & full-height backsplashes. Noticeable are the extended vertical granite counter-fronts in the kitchen & bath. Bosch stainless steel appliances include an induction cooktop & an under-mount Vigo sink that fit seamlessly into this chef’s kitchen. The scale of the book-matched specimen granite shower surround, the whirlpool tub, the handblown glass door pulls, the spun-stainless steel under-mount sinks, & even the choice of the brushed stainless steel shower head filter, allude to an intentional designer’s touch! Within sight of all this, the glistening LG-Eco washer/dryer speaks of another intentional design element. There is on-demand filtered hot water! The numerous ‘Haiku Fans’ are the finest in the industry & assist the central AC system with climate control! Lying in the king-size bed, enjoy the 2 adjoining corner windows that afford a lovely ocean view through the lushly landscaped green-belt & the oversized covered lanai, which is perfect for lounging or alfresco dining! There is also an abundance of closet & storage space in Wailea Elua 1101. The world-class Shops at Wailea, 3 magnificent golf courses, a tennis/pickleball center, Michelin-starred gourmet restaurants, & Maui’s finest beaches are at your fingertips! Sold Turn-Key Furnished!
3600 Wailea Alanui Dr 1101 Kihei 96753 is listed Courtesy of Maui Real Estate Advisors Llc 808-875-4444
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