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Single Family Home
Wailuku - Central Maui
Introducing 21 Hulumanu Place, a stunning and serene retreat nestled in the extraordinary beauty of Maluhia Country Ranches. Situated on 2.6 acres of Agriculture zoned land in a gated community of 56 parcels, we invite you to savor the magnificent views of North Shore, Haleakala and experience the verdant natural beauty of this location. There are 3 permitted buildings within the fenced, gently rolling terrain of this parcel, totalling over 4,700 square feet of living area! The main home and attached studio is just over 3,800 square feet and is primarily one level with 4 bedrooms, 4 full baths. There is a wonderful flex area accessed by a graceful spiral staircase - use your imagination - perhaps a media room, home office, or a spacious guest area to enjoy. The open floor plan living room and sizable kitchen, along with large covered lanai area is perfect for friends and family to gather. The studio/1 bath and separate garage and workshop is attached to the main house by a covered portico. The 3rd accessory dwelling was built in 2008 and is a free standing 2 bedroom, 1 bath cottage, 915 sq. ft. with high quality finishes and spectacular views! In addition to the dwelling structures, our property has a lovely barn in the event you wish to have animals, or just need additional storage space. Conveniently located near Wailuku Town, Maluhia Country Ranches provides easy access to the main airport, vibrant dining, shopping and cultural attractions in this area, as well as being situated in the more temperate northern side of Maui with beautiful trade wind weather. Utilities are underground, and water is provided by the Kahakuloa Acres private water company. Aloha!
21 Hulumanu Pl Wailuku 96793 is listed Courtesy of Compass Cell: 808-283-0141
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