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Single Family Home
Kula/Ulupalakua/Kanaio - Upcountry Maui
Nestled within an exclusive gated community of several small farm lots, this newly constructed residence rests at the end of a quiet cul-de-sac on an expansive 8-acres, offering a rare blend of privacy and sweeping bicoastal ocean views. The thoughtfully designed home features a spacious layout, accentuated by high ceilings and ample natural light, creating a seamless transition between the indoor and outdoor living spaces. The open chef's kitchen is equipped with slate appliances, a gas range and farmhouse sink. Complemented by a covered lanai, it’s the perfect setting for farm-to-table dining while reveling in the panoramic views. Located at an ideal elevation of 1400-1500 feet, the property offers a comfortable climate and year-round growing season for 25 fruit trees, white pineapple, lilikoi, dragonfruit, and a variety of fragrant and rare botanicals. There are irrigated raised garden beds, and multiple fenced pastures for four-legged family members. A generous two-car garage with a finished interior and a custom stained concrete driveway enhance the serene retreat. Outfitted with a 5/8“ county water meter and underground utilities, construction of a main home on the lot is still possible to complement this existing luxury cottage dwelling. Revel in the enchanting beauty of this Lower Kula landscape. Call your realtor to schedule a showing today!
126 Hoomaikai Pl Kula 96790 is listed Courtesy of Compass Cell: 808-269-1053
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