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Single Family Home in Kaluakoi - West Molokai - Molokai Molokai
Stunning home for sale in the Papohaku Ranchlands Subdivision on Molokai's West End. This 5.73-acre fenced property features a main house, a two-car garage with a rec room, a 2-bedroom, 1-bath cottage with a private entry, an equipment shed, and a fenced riding arena. The luxurious, fully furnished main house spans 5,257 square feet and includes 4 bedrooms, 3.5 bathrooms, walk-in closets, a private office, a media room, a formal dining area, two fireplaces, a card room with an adjoining bar area, and a large laundry room. Additional decks offer panoramic ocean views, including the island of Oahu across the Kaiwi Channel. The home also boasts a pool, pool cabana, jacuzzi, steam room with shower, fitness area, Koi pond with waterfall, owned PV solar panels, solar shades, electric skylights, and 5 split A/C units in the kitchen and other rooms. The kitchen has been recently remodeled with custom cabinets in the bar area and kitchen. There is also a large 2-car garage, a carport with a workshop area, and a rec room. The ohana unit is a 2-bedroom, 1-bath cottage with a laundry room and a private entry gate. The grounds include a fenced equestrian riding arena, a chipping green, 200 exotic palm trees, 20-foot Queen Sego palms, and lush vegetation with flowers and fruit trees. Everything is move-in ready, just waiting for you to embrace the Hawaiian lifestyle
Maunaloa 96770 is listed Courtesy of Molokai Real Estate
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